Friday, February 17, 2012

Chihuahua Physical Appearance, Characteristics, Temperaments and Average Life Span

General Appearance
The two basic body types of purebred these small dogs are Apple headed or Deer headed.

Apple-headed Chi Dogs have short noses, an apple shaped head, and close-set eyes, while Deer-headed Chi Dogs have an elongated nose that resembles Doberman Pinschers. They both have the same chance of being teacup or miniature.
An in depth comparison about these two body types of Chihuahua will be discussed below this page. With the information, you are able to recognize instantly the advantages anddisadvantages of that particular Chi Dog.
Color can be in Black, Pink or 

Coat and Color
Chiwawa basically has only 2 varieties as shown on the pictures below:-

A detailed comparison is done below this page; you may use the information to help you make the right choice.
a) Long-coated (long-haired)          b) Smooth-coated (short-haired).Long-coated ChihuahuaSmooth-coated Chihuahua
Height: 6.0 - 10.0 inches (15.0 - 25.0 cm)

Weight: 3.3 - 6.6 pounds (1.5 - 3.0 kg)
Average Life Span
10 - 15 years

Average Litter Size
1 - 4 puppies

Characteristics/Temperaments and Energy level
As per AKC definition, Chihuahuas are graceful, alert and swift-moving with a saucy expression. They are projecting the 'terrier-like' attitudes of self importanceconfidence, and self-reliance.

Chiwawa is one of the highest energy levels of any purebred dog. This is the reason why some owners always has problem on how to train a Chihuahua. The secret is Chihuahua training should come together with exercise.
Chi dogs like to give affection to their owners and also acts friendly to other pets. Long-coated Chi tend to be a little reserved and cautious when meeting with strangers for the first time.

"Comparing Chihuahuas"

If you are going to enter your Chihuahua for dog show competition, you should select the Apple-headed Chi dog as AKC disqualifies the Deer-headed Chi dog.
To help you understand better, I will show you 2 photos to distinguish the differencesbetween 2 types of Chi dogs. Hope that I am able to help you to save some time on searching for such information from the Internet or the time to discuss with the breeders near your place.

"Apple-headed vs. Deer-headed"

  • Apple-headed Chi Dogs have shorter muzzle and nose and it is more desirable.

  • According to the standard by some kennel clubs such as American Kennel Club (AKC). They only accept Apple-headed chi dogs. If you are not going to join any of the dog show competition, you wouldn't have to worry about this.

  • Deer-headed Chi Dogs have longer muzzle and nose.

  • Some Apple-headed Chi Dogs has super-short muzzles which are NOT desirable. The reason is the muzzles that are too short could cause breathing problems.

  • Shorter muzzles mean wider mouths. So, Apple-headed Chiwawas are expecting to eat faster than Deer-headed Chiwawas. So, just be careful when feeding Apple-headed Chiwawas to prevent any choking incident.

"Smooth-coated vs. Long-coated"

  • Smooth-coated Chi Dogs have more sensitive body
  • Since Smooth-coated Chi Dogs may or may not have undercoat; they will have more sensitive body. Long-coated Chi Dogs, on the other hand, will have undercoat.

  • Long-coated Chis handle cold weather better.
  • Long-coated chis can handle the cold weather especially in cold countries that has winter. They also may play in the snow. If you are taking a smooth-coated chi for a walk, it is advisable to wear him a sweater during winter.

  • Smooth-coated chi dog enjoy your affection more
  • When you give affection to a smooth-coated chi, he will enjoy more as he feels the warmth of your hand.

  • Long-coated shed less frequently
  • Long-coated Chi dogs shed about twice a year, but they shed a lot those times. While smooth-coated shed all the time by replacing old hair with new one.

  • Smooth-coated Chiwawas are more outgoing
  • Smooth-coated chiwawas accept new friends easily compare with long-coated. Long-coated chiwawas tend to be more reserved.

  • Detection of fleas or ticks is easier on Smooth-coated
  • Since smooth-coated has shorter hair, you can detect fleas or ticks easier. You will find it a little harder to find fleas on Long-coated chi.
Picture below shows Apple-headed Chihuahua with Smooth-coated.
Apple Headed Chihuahua Puppy
Picture below shows Deer-headed Chihuahua with Long-coated.
Deer Header Chihuahua Puppy

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